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Mohd Hafizi Mohamad Padely

Mohd Hafizi Mohamad Padely
Director of Sales
Hafizi has a career spanning nearly three decades in the dynamic world of enterprise technology, he stepped into his role as Director of Sales at Awantec, bringing a wealth of experience and sales leadership. His journey, marked by pioneering strategies and transformative solutions in the telecommunications sector, has prepared him to chart new territories for Awantec's growth trajectory.
Recognised for his strategic approach to market opportunities, Hafizi specialises in developing effective solutions for enterprise customers across diverse sectors. His methodical yet innovative mindset enables him to successfully address complex business challenges in both public and private sector environments.
Prior to Awantec, Hafizi served as Enterprise Business Head of Sales (Public Sector) at CelcomDigi Bhd, where he led strategic sales initiatives and team development.