The Company wishes to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Awantec Systems Sdn. Bhd. (“ASSB”) has been awarded a contract for the supply of “Perkhidmatan Langganan Google Workspace for Education untuk Kegunaan Universiti Awam, Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti di Seluruh Malaysia” (“Letter of Award”) with the Ministry of Higher Education (“MOHE”).
MOHE issued the Letter of Award dated 27 February 2024 to ASSB, which was duly accepted by ASSB on 28 February 2024. The process of formalising the agreement between MOHE and ASSB is currently underway.
The duration of the contract is forty-eight (48) months, commencing from 1 March 2024 and expiring on 29 February 2028. The value of the contract is for the amount of RM19,200,000.00 (exclusive of applicable Sales and Service Tax). This contract is for the supply of Google Workspace for Education.